Completed Research Projects
Completed Research Projects
A detailed description of past research projects within the department and in cooperation with other universities can be found under the following tabs:
Brief Description:
The implementation of sustainability in organizations – whether for-profit, public, or non-profit – poses challenges due to the specificity and complexity of sustainability challenges as well as the framework conditions inside and outside the organization.
This project will address various aspects and contingencies of sustainability management and its implementation. In particular, the focus will be on transdisciplinarity. As this project is still under construction, we will provide further information here in due course.
- Beckmann, M., Hielscher, S. & Pies, I. (2012): Commitment Strategies for Sustainability: How Business Firms Can Transform Trade-Offs Into Win–Win Outcomes, in: Business Strategy and the Environment (Online First)
- Klewitz, Johanna, Anica Zeyen, und Erik G. Hansen (2012): Intermediaries driving eco-innovation in SMEs: A qualitative investigation, European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(4), 442-467.
- Pies, I. , Beckmann, M., & Hielscher, S. (2012) Nachhaltigkeit durch New Governance. Ein ordonomisches Konzept für strategisches Management. Die Betriebswirtschaft.
- Schaltegger, S., Beckmann, M., & Hansen, E. G. (forthcoming). Transdisciplinarity in Corporate Sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment.
- Zeyen, A., Klewitz, J., & Hansen, E. G. (2011). Ökoeffizienz in deutschen Unternehmen: Nachhaltigkeit durch Intermediäre ?. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 16(3), 47-50.
Persons Involved:
- Prof. Dr. Markus Beckmann
- Dr. Anica Zeyen
- Roya Akhavan
- Michael Garkisch
- Jasper Meyer
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, Centre for Sustainability Management der Leuphana Unviersität Lüneburg
- Prof. Dr. Erik G. Hansen, Centre for Sustainability Management der Leuphana Unviersität Lüneburg
Brief Description:
The research project “Sustainable Supply Chain Management – Corporate Strategies and Capabilities” deals with the integration of sustainability into strategies and processes of supply chain management and especially procurement.
In the first part of the project, a study investigated which management practices for implementing sustainability aspects have been implemented in companies. The project also looked at whether the composition and choice of measures differ in different strategic approaches and to what extent contextual factors, such as region or industry, also influence them.
A second part deals with the development of resources and capabilities that companies need in order to implement sustainability measures and strategies. On the one hand, the aim is to clarify what supply chain management, as a cross-functional and cross-company approach, can achieve and how this changes as a result of sustainability.
On the other hand, the automotive industry will be used to examine how companies along different value chains develop entrepreneurial capabilities and resources to integrate sustainability. The main focus is on the interactions and relationships between different actors and how companies respond to sustainability requirements in a dynamic environment.
- Akhavan, R. & Beckmann, M. (2016): A Configuration of Sustainable Sourcing and Supply Management Strategies Article reference, in: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Doi: 10.1016/j.pursup.2016.07.006 (im Erscheinen)
- Akhavan, R., & Beckmann, M. (2015). Corporate Management Practices to Integerate Sustainability into Sourcing: A Taxonomy of Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Beteiligte Personen:
Dieses Forschungsprojekt erfolgt in Kooperation mit Forschenden an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie soziale Innovationen durch Social Entrepreneure und ihre Organisationen skaliert und in die Breite getragen werden können. Teilfragen des Projekts beschäftigen sich damit, wie Social Entrepreneure im Zuge ihres organisationalen Wachstums mit möglichen Spannungen umgehen, die aus der Vermischung von sozial-orientierten und markt-orientierten Binnenlogiken resultieren. Hierzu untersucht ein weiteres Teilprojekt empirisch, wie sich die Perspektiven von Social Entrepreneurship auf ihren organisationalen Erfolg von kommerziellen Unternehmen unterscheiden.
Eine weitere Teilfrage untersucht die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Franchising Strategien, um angesichts der Besonderheiten des sozialen Bereichs neue Lösungsansätze breit zu skalieren.
- Beckmann, Markus und Steven Ney: Wenn gute Lösungsansätze keine Selbstläufer werden:Vernetzung als Skalierungsstrategie in fragmentierten Entscheidungslandschaften am Beispiel des Social Labs in Köln
- Beckmann, Markus und Anica Zeyen (2014): Franchising as a Strategy for Combining Small and Large Group Advantages (Logics) in Social Entrepreneurship: A Hayekian Perspective, in: Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly Vol 43(3), S. 502-522
Please refer to the publication list for further publications.
Persons Involved:
Brief description
One research project in this area is a cooperation with Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. It is investigating the phenomenon of “new governance,” i.e., those rule-making processes in which not only the state but also civil society organizations and companies are involved in further developing the rules of the game for corporate action. Examples include the Forest Stewardship Council and integrity pacts to prevent corruption. These issues are becoming increasingly topical for corporate practice in view of a patchy framework for globalized business relationships.
- Zeyen, A., Beckmann, M., & Wolters, S. (2016). Actor and Institutional Dynamics in the Development of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives. Journal of business ethics, 135, 341-360.
- Pies, Ingo, Markus Beckmann und Stefan Hielscher (2011): The Political Role of the Business Firm: An Ordonomic Concept of Corporate Citizenship Developed in Comparison with the Aristotelian Idea of Individual Citizenship, in: Business and Society (angenommen)
- Pies, Ingo, Markus Beckmann und Stefan Hielscher (2010): Value Creation, Management Competencies, and Global Corporate Citizenship, in: Journal of Business Ethics, 94,S. 265-278.
- Hielscher, Stefan und Markus Beckmann (2009): Social Entrepreneurship und Ordnungspolitik:Zur Rolle gesellschaftlicher Change Agents am Beispiel des Kruppschen Wohlfahrtsprogramms, in: ORDO – Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Band 60, Stuttgart, S. 435-461.
Please refer to the publication list for further publications.
Persons Involved:
- Prof. Dr. Markus Beckmann
- Dr. Anica Zeyen
- Stella Wolters
- Dr. Stefan Hielscher, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies, Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Brief Description
This research project is a cooperation with the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. “Ordonomics” is the name of a long-term research program that develops general methodological and social theoretical foundations for business and business ethics: Ordonomics is a rational-choice-based analysis of (interdependencies between) social structure and semantics. The term “social structure” stands for the institutional rule arrangements of a society and their differentiated incentive effects for individuals (persons) and corporate actors (organizations). The term “semantics” stands for linguistic terms and concepts and their underlying categories of thought. The ordonomic research program focuses, on the one hand, on central normative semantics such as responsibility, justice, and sustainability; on the other hand, on the dilemmatic properties of modern social structures; and, above all, on possible discrepancies between social structure and semantics.
In 2010, our chair holder Prof. Dr. Markus received the Max Weber Prize for Business Ethics for the research paper “Ordnungsverantwortung: Rational Choice als ordonomisches Forschungsprogramm”.
- Beckmann, Markus (2010): Ordnungsverantwortung. Rational-Choice als ordonomisches Forschungsprogramm. Berlin: wissenschaftlicher verlag berlin.
- Pies, Ingo, Markus Beckmann und Stefan Hielscher: The Political Role of the Business Firm: An Ordonomic Concept Inspired by the Aristotelian Idea of Citizenship, in: Business and Society (zur Veröffentlichung angenommen)
- Pies, Ingo, Stefan Hielscher und Markus Beckmann (2009): Moral Commitments and the Societal Role of Business: An Ordonomic Approach to Corporate Citizenship, in Business Ethics Quarterly, 19(3), S.375-401.
- Beckmann, Markus (2008): Governance durch politische Selbstbindung – Wider die Ausbeutungsspiele afrikanischer Eliten, in: Zeitschrift für Politik (ZfP), 55. Jg. 2/2008, S. 199-220.
- Beckmann, Markus und Ingo Pies (2007): Freiheit durch Bindung – Zur ökonomischen Logik von Verhaltenskodizes, in: zfbf – Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 59, August 2007, S. 614-644.
Please refer to the publication list for further publications.
Persons Involved:
- Prof. Dr. Markus Beckmann
- Dr. Stefan Hielscher, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- Prof. Dr. Ingo PIes, Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg